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Multiple choice:Suppose P is the calling procedure, q is the called procedure, and the program is executed on IA-32 processor. The following are the operations involved in procedure calling in C language program:

Luz3年前 (2021-05-10)题库392
Suppose P is the calling procedure, q is the called procedure, and the program is executed on IA-32 processor. The following are the operations involved in procedure calling in C language program:
① Process Q preserves the site of P and allocates space for non static local variables
② Procedure P stores the arguments where Q can access them
③ Process P stores the return address in a specific place and jumps to Q for execution
④ Process Q takes out the return address and jumps back to process P for execution
⑤ Process Q restores the site of P and releases the space occupied by local variables
⑥ The function body of executing procedure Q
The correct step to perform a procedure call is.
A. ②→③→④→①→⑤→⑥
B. ②→③→①→④→⑥→⑤
C. ②→③→①→⑥→⑤→④
D. ②→③→①→⑤→⑥→④




