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PROGRAMMING:My brother's homework

Luz3年前 (2021-05-10)题库333
Your brother has just finished the homework of "addition and subtraction of numbers within 100". Please check it for him. The format of each question (including my brother's answer) is a + B = C or A-B = C, where a and B are non negative integers not exceeding 100 given in the assignment; C is the answer calculated by my younger brother. It may be a non negative integer no more than 200 or a single character "?", He doesn't count.
###Input format:
The input file contains no more than 100 lines, ending with a file terminator. Each line contains a title, the format is guaranteed to meet the above requirements, and does not contain any white space characters. All integers entered do not contain leading zeros.
###Output format:
Output only one line, including a non negative integer, that is, the number of questions my brother answered correctly.
###Input example:
###Output example:

answer:If there is no answer, please comment


