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PROGRAMMING:Step jumping

Luz3年前 (2021-05-10)题库331
In recent years, step jumping has become more and more popular. Many college students practice step jumping every day. Some can jump up to two levels at a time, and some can jump up to three levels
Xiao Liu is the champion of our school's step jumping. He can see n steps at a time, but he doesn't want to finish it all at once. He wants to know how many ways he can finish n steps at most
###Input format:
Enter a positive integer n (n > 0, N in integer range)
###Output format:
Output the number of schemes corresponding to N steps. As the answer may be very large, please take the modulus for 1e9 + 7
###Input example:
Here is a set of inputs. For example:
###Output example:
The corresponding output is given here. For example:

answer:If there is no answer, please comment


