#coding:utf-8 from PIL import Image import sys import time import os def get_size(file): # 获取文件大小:KB size = os.path.getsize(file) #print(file) return size / 1024 def exif_transpose(img): if not img: return img exif_orientation_tag = 274 # Check for EXIF data (only present on some files) if hasattr(img, "_getexif") and isinstance(img._getexif(), dict) and exif_orientation_tag in img._getexif(): exif_data = img._getexif() orientation = exif_data[exif_orientation_tag] # Handle EXIF Orientation if orientation == 1: # Normal image - nothing to do! pass elif orientation == 2: # Mirrored left to right img = img.transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) elif orientation == 3: # Rotated 180 degrees img = img.rotate(180) elif orientation == 4: # Mirrored top to bottom img = img.rotate(180).transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) elif orientation == 5: # Mirrored along top-left diagonal img = img.rotate(-90, expand=True).transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) elif orientation == 6: # Rotated 90 degrees img = img.rotate(-90, expand=True) elif orientation == 7: # Mirrored along top-right diagonal img = img.rotate(90, expand=True).transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) elif orientation == 8: # Rotated 270 degrees img = img.rotate(90, expand=True) return img def compress_image(infile, outfile='', mb=90, step=3, quality=50): o_size = get_size(infile) print(o_size) quality=int((mb/o_size)*100) print(quality) if o_size <= mb: return infile #outfile = get_outfile(infile, outfile) while o_size > mb: im = Image.open(infile) im=exif_transpose(im) im.save(infile, quality=quality) if quality - step < 0: break quality -= step o_size = get_size(infile) im.save(infile) def resize_image(infile, outfile='', x_s=50): im = Image.open(infile) im=exif_transpose(im) x, y = im.size print(x,y) y_s = int(y * x_s / x) out = im.resize((x_s, y_s), Image.ANTIALIAS) #outfile = get_outfile(infile, outfile) out.save(infile) #if __name__ == '__main__': print("=========================JPG-Changer=========================") print("========================Luz 2021-9-17========================") jpg_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) print("path:"+jpg_path) print("please check path") for i in range(5): print("run in "+str(5-i)+" seconds") time.sleep(1) print("=========================start task==========================") jpg_names=[name for name in os.listdir(jpg_path)] geshis=['jpg'] for i in jpg_names: geshi=i.split('.')[-1] geshi=geshi.lower() for a in geshis: if(geshi==a): while(1): try: resize_image(jpg_path+'\\'+i) time.sleep(0.1) compress_image(jpg_path+'\\'+i) print(i) break except: print(i) #print(i) print("========================= complete!==========================")